
811 Kellogg, Ames, Iowa

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Special Olympics 2010

Special Olympics Iowa will hold bicycle races Thursday, May 20th.  Diane and I have been working the past three days getting the 42 "pool" bikes ready.  These bikes are owned by Special Olympics Iowa and are used by Olympians who don't have bikes of their own, or those whose bikes couldn't pass the safety inspection.

Ronn Ritz of Skunk River Cycles and Leanne & Steve Lauber from Bike World Ames will be helping Diane and me with bike inspections and adjustments for equipment brought in by participants.   We will be busy from 8:00 am until about 2:00 pm.

In addition to "regular" bikes, there will be recumbents, tandems, tandem recumbents and three wheelers, both stock and modified.
 First load is on the truck ready to go over.

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