
811 Kellogg, Ames, Iowa

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Getting out of town, or how much gear can we fit into a Volkswagon?

     Diane and I have planned this trip for months. Our grandson, Ben has agreed to move into our house and keep the cats from going ballistic while we're gone, so we're excited to get on the road.  We're going to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, which we did not get to last year, and then travel north into Utah to visit Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks and as many more NPs as we can get to before we run out of time.  (There are six in Utah, so the possibility exists that Westy could come home with SEVEN new park stickers.)
      Right now the problem is getting all our gear for camping, cycling, hiking and backpacking crammed into our VW Westfalia camper.  Westy is about the same size as the average minivan, and getting all of that stuff, plus the usual creature comforts -- clothing, bedding, food, water, maps and guidebooks -- inside is requiring us to utilize every single square inch of space in his  generally well-designed interior.  It's noon and we're supposed to be leaving in the morning.  We aren't even half packed.
      Keep checking this blog, and also look at Diane's ( as well.  We'll keep adding details as we go along.

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